It can be very hard to pinpoint exactly where to put in your efforts to revert a downward trend in your business. Measurable Solutions has released a tool which will help to objectively analyze the current state of major areas in your business: The Business Viability Index. Using this tool will give you as a business owner a unique perspective of the overall growth (or lack thereof) in your business. There is no charge to get your index and you can read more about it following this link:
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Principles for Effective Leadership
Whether you run a “one man show” or employ hundreds, the degree of success you will have as an executive depends on your knowledge, understanding, and application of basic management tools. Measurable Solutions’ “Executive Basics Course” is part of the executive training and contains eye-opening administrative truths and vital information for executive success.
Here is what a couple of our clients had to say about having gained the knowledge from this course.
“Prior to attending the Exec Basics course at Measurable Solutions, we were experiencing a lot of success in our practice. We were growing in patient visits, our executives were continuing to function more and more in their executive roles, and though we were extremely happy with how far we have come as a practice, we realized there were still some obstacles that were keeping us from achieving our ideal scene. We also felt that we were still missing something (as owners and executives) that was preventing us from achieving all that we had hoped for. Though we had a good idea of what our roles as executives looked like, we realized we were not where we wanted to be yet.
Completing the executive basics course fully opened our eyes as to EXACTLY what we needed to do to be fully functioning in our executive roles. It also gave us a clearer sense of our purpose as executives and taught us how to get our VPs fully up to speed in their roles. It has been about six weeks since we got back from the Exec Basics II course and since that time, we have been in a continuous growth cycle. In fact, since attending the course, we have hit several new “highest evers”, and our patient visits have shot up past 600 visits per week. It is truly amazing how getting everyone aligned with our purpose, and us fully functioning in our executive roles, has helped our organization. We have no doubts that the information we learned from the Executive Basics II course will help us in achieving our practice goals and ultimately, our ideal scene. Thanks, Measurable Solutions, for another tremendous course. Again, we are truly thankful for all your knowledge and help in growing our practice.”
-- C.E.
“The executive Basics Course pushed me to think about qualities a true leader has and where I am falling short. This was beneficial because I had to name areas to oimprove on and recognize where my strengths are. This course was showing me how to be a leader that has high standards for quality, but also for the people working for our clininc.
I can definitely become an effective leader and person if I keep these principles at the forefront.”
-- J.M.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Executive Training -- The Single Greatest Investment
"Once we embarked on the journey of the management and executive training it was evident that our primary statistics got a bump each time we returned from Measurable Solutions. I kept wondering how in the world we would implement all of the technologies and each time we did, it went smoothly and we saw new growth happen. Our staff is communicating internally and externally at a much higher level which results in improved patient care and satisfaction.
I have also noticed a significant carryover into my personal life, as much of the methods of management apply to life in general. I am no longer stressed out about the practice and feel that I am much happier on a daily basis, and have a more focused purpose.
Our relationship with Measurable Solutions has been the single greatest investment we have made since opening our practice.”
-- K.C.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A Plan that Truly Moves Us Forward
Measurable Solutions helps their clients with strategic planning for their practices. Here is what one of them had to say about this service.
"The strategic plan program was fantastic! We learned a great deal about how to analyze our situation and write a plan that truly moves us forward.
Jeff and Shaun were excellent leaders and teachers. They spent time with each practice and asked the right questions and offered sensible solutions to our issues. We are ready to return to our practice and move forward and kick butt in 2010!!"
-- F.D.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Executive Training at Measurable Solutions
"The technology we learned on the New Patient Course was just the tip of the iceberg for us. Getting much better stability in knowing how to get the patients in the door, and to keep them coming, was awesome; but we now had to gain that type of control in all aspects of the business, so we could have control over it, and not it over us. We both then started taking the Executive Training Courses. With each course we took, and each piece of the technology that we applied, things started to get better and better. Whether you are like us and have many employees, or just a few; one of the greatest things that the technology gives you is the understanding of how to handle and solve employee related issues. Wow – what a fantastically huge help that is!!!!! And I think anyone owning his or her own business would agree.
The technology allowed us to see that not everyone we had working for us was out for the best interest of the company. We learned the exact tools to VERY EASILY spot these individuals and handle them. They may not always be the ones you think they are. Or you may think that you “can’t do with out them,” or “I will never find someone else to replace them.” But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The technology gives you the ability to find, hire and keep competent team players. It comes down to the question again, do you want them or your practice to control you, or do you want to have the control? The Executive Training gives you the ability to gain control. It gave us the tools and the confidence to appropriately handle employee issues, marketing, billing and collections, hiring, and best of all how to run our company and hardly have to be there.
Things were going fantastically better for the company and for my husband and I personally; however one more piece was missing. Measurable Solutions helped us to realize very early on that having a well-trained staff was key – and the only way that we would gain true freedom from the company. So, we took the next step and got our VP of Administration and VP of Production trained, and we are now getting our VP of Public Relations trained. We are also implementing an in-house course room, with our own staff members as the Supervisors, to get all of our other employees trained as well. These are our final and most important steps to complete. Once this is done we will be true LEADERS of the company, and gain the FREEDOM from the practice to realize our ideal scene in life.
We must credit the technology itself, as well as the tremendously competent and helpful staff at Measurable Solutions for continually encouraging us along the way. They enabled us to accomplish all that we have in just one and half years after attending the New Patient Course. Our patient visits went from around 250 per week, when we first started with Measurable Solutions, and now we are up to 600 per week. We have gained the tools to know how to properly higher willing and able employees, and how to train other staff members to competently handle the day-to-day operations, and to truly get that they are part of the team. The Executive Training that Measurable Solutions trains you on is the only technology that will enable you to realize YOUR ideal scene. After all, we all went to school to be the best Physical Therapists we could. We spent lot money to do that. We opened practices of our own to create our own individual ways of helping people in our communities. We didn’t do it so our practices could take over our lives, but somehow they did. And if you think that we had all the money in the world to take the step to get ourselves administratively trained -- that was not the case. At the time we signed up, our company was losing an average of $3,000 a week, simply due to poor management.
But it doesn’t have to be that way, and something can be done about it. We took the step to invest as much into our business as we did ourselves and it has paid off 1000 fold. We have a successful practice, with positive, willing and trained employees, and best of all, we have a life! We can actually leave the practice for weeks at a time now, and the stats seem to go up even more when we do. Our VP of Production, while one day reviewing the statistics looked at me and said, “I have no idea how you ran this company before implementing all this technology, because it works so well.” I said I didn’t know either."
-- L.G.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Making Planning Become Actuality
A section of Measurable Solutions executive training teaches how you can make your planning become a reality. We asked a client his opinion after completing this step.
“The technology obtained from this course will prove valuable not only from a business perspective but on a home based perspective as well. Additionally, The course will help us in our business as we continue the process of policy deployment and program implementation. Fortunately I feel I have a much better understanding of why programs in the past have stopped or failed and never made it from planning to actuality.”
Aaron Munderloh
Highland Physical Therapy
Friday, February 19, 2010
Staff at Measurable Solutions Have a High Level of Confidence.
We asked a client his opinion about the staff at measurable solutions and here is his answer:
“The staff at Measurable Solutions sold me on two things. The first was that I got the feeling that they genuinely were concerned about how our practice was doing. They were not pushy with a “crush sell.” They had a real-life solution for whatever excuse I threw at them. They made us and our problems seem important to them. The second feeling that we received which sold us was their level of confidence. It wasn’t a level of cockiness, just an extremely successful “swagger” that was evident over the phone. They had made it work for other clinics in worse condition than ours, so they could easily address our situation and help us to grow”
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Best Investment Ever Made
"Our relationship with Measurable Solutions has done more than just help us grow our business. Prior to working with Measurable Solutions I was beginning to feel stale at work and not enjoying myself as much as I used to. The new focus on growth of the business as well as continuing to help patients become more pain-free and functional has helped to change my outlook on my life away from the office. Success breeds success. It is amazing how many other opportunities become available when the business is successful and your outlook is so positive. In my opinion, Measurable Solutions has been the best investment our practice as ever made. I can’t thank them enough."
-- KC
"Before starting with Measurable Solutions, I wanted to keep working with patients and did not see myself doing more administrative activities than patient care. With the knowledge and confidence that I received from Measurable Solutions, I am ready for 100% administrative duties and eliminate my patient care time. I am very excited about the growth that we have had and the potential growth for our business is limitless. Everything that we do with Measurable Solutions turns to gold."
-- DM
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Client Talks About Measurable Solutions Executive Training
Lino Chuang talks about the executive training at Measurable Solutions.
The Executive Training helps us tremendously. It gives me understanding of how to run and organize my company and free up some of my time and teach me how to delegate some of my responsibilities to other people. It also helps my wife free up her time and we just follow the system and everything seems to fall into place. The stats go up and we are very pleased about it.
We met with very mild resistance from our staff when we started implementing our training. Then they saw that it was working and our statistics were going up. Our staff are getting bonuses, which they are very excited about. They are more motivated and working together as a team. It has turned the whole office around.
Measurable Solutions also offers a Seminar Series and we’ve attended the Billing & Collections Conference, Advanced Marketing Conference and the Hiring & Team Building Conference so far. These are tools that have also really helped us a lot.
The goal is to free up my time totally by next year. That is the goal. I want to be able to have the company run by itself and step away completely. We are already enrolled in a Measurable Solutions program to attain this.
I’d highly recommend this program if you want to have your practice grow and make enough income so that you don’t have to worry about money. This program will help you get out of the day-to-day chores and free up your time to enjoy your life. We have had a very quick return on our investment. It has been the best decision we’ve made.