Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Voice of a Measurable Solutions employee.

Measurable Solutions asked one of their employees: What made you choose this profession?

"I’ve always wanted to help…because I seemed to have a ‘knack’ for doing so. Even as a small child I somehow knew what my parents should do differently in order to get along better with each other. I realized as I got older that helping people was almost a selfish thing because I experienced such personal satisfaction in observing people improve conditions in their lives. I realized that good things do happen to good people only if they know what to do. If they don’t, oftentimes their true potential is not reached and I think that’s really a shame.

I find nothing more rewarding than providing someone with tools they can use to create situations in their business that they thought they could only “dream of”. The transformations in our clients’ lives seem quite magical in that improvements appear literally overnight."

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