A lot of client’s testimonials refer to “Executive Training.” What in your opinion is the benefit of Executive Training?
Well, this is a big question so I’m going to give you a long answer.
In many instances, our clients feel at first that all of their problems would be solved if they had more new patients. As this barrier is completely obliterated (rather quickly I may add), the next problem to them may appear to be “too many” new patients. This is no joke, “too many new patients” can become the next barrier to the expansion of a practice.
The fact is that there is a very precise line-up of data necessary to run a successful business, plain and simple. Without all the principles in place, periods of growth can actually become a “problem” because one is not prepared to deliver.
Often we come across physical therapists who are working long, long hours and who believe that success is always accompanied by “high stress.” This is not true.
Measurable Solutions has the management and administrative technology that PT owners need to successfully control their practice, instead of experiencing the adverse effect of their practice controlling them.
As the practice expands, it becomes necessary to bring in other people and build a team. I have found that an all too common mistake owners make is assuming that everyone they hire is going to be the same type of worker they were.
A truly successful business is not just a group of individuals, it is a team. We teach our clients how to create a team and how to build an organization. It takes a group of organized people to deliver to the public, it is a team effort.
Any private practice owner has a very important function in addition to any clinical expertise; an owner has to know how to get others to do work on their own initiative.
The owner’s responsibility also includes planning for long term longevity of the business. This has to take into account the best utilization of current resources from the financial standpoint and staffing. When is the right time to hire more personnel? How do we get a new employee up and running with minimal waste of time and effort? We teach our clients how to make those decisions with great speed and accuracy.
Our goal is to enable our clients to achieve levels of productivity and well-being that spread out into a top quality of life for themselves, their patients, their staff and even ultimately the communities where they live.
Our courses are administered in a very well thought out sequence whereby the clients learn exactly how to expand a clinic from its most basic foundation on up while allowing the owners to truly enjoy the fruits of their work because they have the time and wherewithal to give attention to their families and their personal goals.
Our idea of a successful client is one who is reaching his or her full professional potential and as a result experiences the freedom to create and win to the fullest in all areas of his life.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Employee Talks About “Executive Training”.
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Barrier to an Expanding Practice
I thought that doing a good job as a clinician and perfecting that skill by going to continuing education, delivering continuing education courses and working to get more letters after my name would do the trick. Nothing changed in terms of volume until I realized THAT DOING A GOOD JOB AS A CLINICIAN IS NOT A MARKETING PLAN!
When you look at whether or not you really have a marketing plan to expand your practice and the only thing you can think of is WORK OF MOUTH, you honestly do not have a marketing plan.
feel free to explore more facts about Physical Therapy Marketing at Measurable Solutions website.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Voice of a Measurable Solutions employee.
Measurable Solutions asked one of their employees: What made you choose this profession?
"I’ve always wanted to help…because I seemed to have a ‘knack’ for doing so. Even as a small child I somehow knew what my parents should do differently in order to get along better with each other. I realized as I got older that helping people was almost a selfish thing because I experienced such personal satisfaction in observing people improve conditions in their lives. I realized that good things do happen to good people only if they know what to do. If they don’t, oftentimes their true potential is not reached and I think that’s really a shame.
I find nothing more rewarding than providing someone with tools they can use to create situations in their business that they thought they could only “dream of”. The transformations in our clients’ lives seem quite magical in that improvements appear literally overnight."
Friday, October 9, 2009
All About Getting Results
Our motto at Measurable Solutions, as our clients know, is “Results! No excuses.” Our staff have been trained to the highest standards and have years of experience so they know and can walk the walk and talk the talk.
Our technical staff are some of the best on the planet. Why is this? For a simple reason. We train them to a level of perfection that exists nowhere else and with experience on top of that, they reach a level of competence that exists nowhere else in any other consulting company.
When hiring a consulting firm, you must first ask them, are they successful? You know, are they practicing what they preach? Here at Measurable Solutions, we practice what we preach and it shows in our statistics. We measure all aspects of our business and I can tell you this: our statistics have continued to go up since the beginning and continue on with highest-evers month after month after month.
This competence shows up in every aspect of Measurable Solutions, all the way from the front desk to our scheduling personnel, to our technical delivery staff — all the way across the boards. We get our clients moving fast because we care about them a lot. We care about them so much we want them to get the results they deserve in a very short period of time – not in terms of years. We’re talking in terms of months. You know, quite often I hear people – they have the “five year plan.” They have this five year plan to get to where they would feel that they have met their goals. Well, we have clients who are achieving that in months. That might seem a little outrageous, but it is true. The proof is in the pudding.
Our delivery staff is here for one purpose, and that is to get the knowledge we have exported over to you, so that you can demonstrate it in your practice and see the results. We have clients coming in to Measurable Solutions that handle in a few days what has earlier taken others years and years to try to figure out. And they still haven’t figured it out. This is no exaggeration. People come here and they get things handled fast. They get know-how fast and they go back and put it to use in real life and get real results that are evidenced by their statistics soaring, just as ours have soared.
I encourage you to avail yourself of Measurable Solutions’ services. Here exists an administrative technology that will enable you to reach your goals faster than you ever thought possible and beyond that. So book yourself a reservation to sunny Clearwater, Florida to meet Measurable Solutions. My staff will ensure you get the results you need to get you really flying in your practice.